

Please contact the club directly to find out if we have any spots available for the upcoming season at [email protected]

3 Simple Steps!

1. Apply for your Active Kids Voucher

Click on the image above to access the Service NSW portal to apply for you Active Kids Voucher (AKV)

2. Register on Playfootball

Click on the image above to head to the Playfootball site. New players will need to create an account, while returning players can login with their existing account. 

3. Join us at the clubhouse!

Join us at the clubhouse to finalise your registration on one of the dates below. On this day you can order any uniform items for the upcoming season. 

What's the cost?

Registration fees include training ball, presentation, trophy, referee fees, all Southern District and Football Australia Fees, which means there are no ongoing match fees and your one payment will cover the whole season.

The registration fee does not include a uniform. New players are required to purchase these at the clubhouse at the start of the season. Returning players are not required to purchase anything new for the season.

Registration and uniform prices are as per below:

Playing Age Groups Price
U5 – U9
U10 – U12
U13 – U17
Womens M-League
Ladies O35

*Players will play in the age group they turn that calendar year.

Uniform Price
Full Uniform*
Robins Jersey
Robins Shorts
Robins Socks
Jacket (Compulsory for U13 and up)

*Full Uniform includes Jersey, Shorts & Socks.
*Full Uniform DOES NOT include the Jacket, jacket sold separately.

Registration Details

Once you have completed the online registration on you will need to come down to the clubhouse and attend one of our orientation days to get you all set up and informed. Our orientation days cover all the questions new members might have and will be your opportunity to get sizing and fitting sorted on uniforms. 

Team and coach information will also be given out on the day and allow for you to meet the coaches and teammates you will be playing with over the next season.

Registration days can be found down below.

Registration dates are as per below, these will be held at our club house Ash Road, Prestons.

Thursday 16th January 6pm-8pm
Saturday 18th January 9am-11am
Thursday 23th January 6pm-8pm
Saturday 25th January 9am-11am
Thursday 30th January 6pm-8pm
Saturday 1st February 9am-11am – FINAL REGISTRATION DATE

Active Kids Voucher

For eligible families, the NSW Government is helping kids get active with the Active Kids program. The program provides a $50 voucher for families receiving Family Tax Benefit of school-enrolled children to use towards sport and active recreation costs each year.

What to bring on Registration Day

Players are to bring a copy of the receipt/invoice that they will receive via email once registered on playfootball and Active Kids Voucher number.
New players will also need to bring suitable ID (drivers licence, proof of age card, birth certificate or passport).

Team Officials - Coaches & Managers

All team officials must register online at 

All Coaches and Managers must complete a working with Children Check.

WWC Application Form

Once you have completed the application form, you need to go into your local RMS office to complete the check. please click on volunteer and there is no fee to this. Once all completed please provide WWC # to the club. 

Still got Questions?

If you have any questions please contact our Registrar BJ on 0416 125 092 or [email protected].

All Coaches, Managers and committee members are volunteers for LCRFC.

Contact Us
Come Visit Us

Liverpool City Robins F.C. Ash Road Prestons

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